
Images, Videos, and Music.

My musical form continues to evolve as I explore and obsess over process. Unique sound manipulation software like FScape and Gleetchlab help to bring chaos into the sound process and thus enable me to explore not just sound, but existentialism. On both the macro and micro level sound and music is composed of patterns, rhythms, vibrations, repetitions; these traits perfectly mirror the human experience. These themes have only started to take shape in my mind and thus have not become fully formed in my music. These ideas take shape more fully in my “sound design” work where, on a micro level, I explore the various dimensions of sound.

My Music

Funk Dank Stank is a segment from a live jam with Maschine and guitarist Larry Roll. The recording was manipulated in Gleetchlab3.
Fyutescape is a collection of recordings and loops manipulated in Gleetchlab3.
Jay Dream Jam is a recording of guiatrist Jamie Winters which I manipulated in Gleetchlab3.