
Images, Videos, and Music.

My work with images in the digital realm explores the nature of order, disorder, and chance. Symmetry and mirroring has lead to some fascinating discoveries about our perception and our shared unconsciousness. I utilize a technique of duplicating and mirroring asymmetrical designs in such a fashion as to conjure forth images from the chaos. A very similar process is used in math to obtain palindromes: take any number, reverse it, add it to itself and repeat until it produces a palindrome. It is no secret our brains are wired to see faces, but what is most amazing is seeing images in the chaos that are strangely familiar.

More recently I have explored patterns in data by using Hex editors to convert non-image files into bitmap files or using GIMP's RAW import function. Through these approaches any file can become an image and one can even paint in code. I rather enjoy exploiting the pixel and image compression to create interesting textures through a loss of resolution. In this way normal expectations are subverted and a new aesthetic is embraced: Cascone's aesthetic of failure.

The site Deep Dream Generator uses a form of AI to process images in unusual ways. One popular method is to use a style image to "paint" another image. It is similar to blending images but more complex with incredible results. Find more of my work at my DDG page.

Deep Dream Images

Parrots of dreams Arctic apples Merlin dreams of melodies The sunflower samurai
Backyard cosmics Singe reality Sketchbook dreams Sunflower dreams Turtle dreams

Glitch Images

Lost inside the psychic realm Rainy day rgb
Mish mash close up Melted pattern 111

Original Images

Frayhnk OBX Tribe Mask Queens cage in rgb Squares and smears Polished art 2
Regal portrait Sketch 13 Sketch 6 Wyles Xpress Polished Tetraptych